About Us
The Reading League South Carolina
The Reading League South Carolina is an affiliate chapter of The Reading League, a national non-profit organization that is 30,000 members strong. Together we promote knowledge to create change in Literacy Education. Our goal is to ensure that all children learn to read, and all teachers have the tools to teach them.
Our mission is to advance the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-aligned reading instruction across South Carolina, by connecting all stakeholders in order to ensure equitable literacy instruction for all students.
Our vision is that every child in our state will become a reader.
Literacy is a civil right of our society. Research in how children best learn to read gives us proven instructional practices to ensure strong foundational reading skills. We believe that all children can learn to read and that all teachers can learn to teach them.
Our vision has three areas of focus:
Education, Collaboration, and Advocacy.
We are committed to advocating for South Carolina’s educators to have the skills, knowledge, and materials they need to effectively teach all students how to read.
We will endeavor to build a collaborative environment among parents, educators, school leaders, colleges and universities, pre-service teachers, mission-aligned partner organizations, employers, and community leaders.
All students deserve to have an education built upon access to the tools they need to succeed, including a science-based approach to reading that is grounded in the research. We acknowledge and will work to eliminate the inequities blocking access to evidence-based literacy instruction in South Carolina.
Work in these three areas of focus will propel us forward in our efforts to support our students, teachers, and community in transforming reading instruction. We know we will be successful when 100% of students in South Carolina are reading with proficiency at grade level standards.